2. Takeaway / Delivery
  3. Yakitori Omino Kamiyacho ( Takeaway )
Yakitori Omino Kamiyacho ( Takeaway )'s image

Yakitori Omino Kamiyacho ( Takeaway ) Takeaway

Minato-ku, Tokyo Yakitori

Reservation rules

※The visit time and receiving time on restaurant are same about takeaway.
※You can`t change, a time change, the number change, the cancellation in a schedule after the reservation completion and can`t cancel it regardless of any reson.please come at your reservation time.
※The cancellation fee of 100% is caused after a reservation decision.Please check the details of the reservation well.


[Takeaway] Soboro Bento

JPY2,500 (tax included) /Count

[Takeaway] Yakitori Bento

JPY3,000 (tax included) /Count

※It`s advance payment system by your credit card which was registered on OMAKASE and is including tax. We can`t refund it regardless of any reason. Please make your reservation after confirmation.
※By one reservation only as for one kind. When you want plural kinds, you divide it into multiple times, and please make a reservation.
※Please eat it as early as possible after you receive on the day.
※Please note that you can`t do the correspondence to an individual allergy.
※[Allergic product : egg] Please ask to information if you need to know about other allergic products.

※You may not receive it if you come late or early.Please come at your reservation time for receiving.

Restaurant information



Operation hours

Takeaway at 10:30-20:00

Regular holiday Sundays, Public holidays, Irregular holidays
*The restaurant may be temporarily open or temporarily closed.
Address 104, TOKYU REIT Toranomon Building, 3-17-1 Toranomon, , Minato-ku, Tokyo
Nearest station


It charges a fee of 390 yen per one at the time of a reservation.
Reservation rules
Current reservation period until Fri Feb 28 2025
Next round opens TBD
Advance payment 100% of the price
Maximum frequency unlimited
Cancellation policy
after making reservation 100%

Payment methods and cancellation policies may differ depending on the timing of reservation. In the case of advance payment, the cancellation policy is 100% after making reservation.

It can`t change, a time change, the number change, the cancellation in a schedule after the reservation completion. Thank you for your understanding.