More delicious,
More convenient.

Make your dining experience more enjoyable.
The OMAKASE Premium Program

From 4,980 yen per month

A premium experience that only OMAKASE can provide.

The user experience of OMAKASE will be improved by determining the stage based on the frequency of use by the customer.

Normal Member
This is the initial status of your registration.

Premium user

Premium Green
For our daily customers
Subscribe to Premium for more convenience
premium Gold
For selected customers only
we will send you an invitation

Premium features

Make your OMAKASE more convenient
Special features to save you money

Feature 1

Priority email

Premium members will be given priority in receiving emails about additional seats and cancelled seats, which are sent in random order.
(On average, the transmissions are prioritized for a few tens of minutes.)

  • Priority for automatic cancellation emails
  • Priority for email notifications from stores
  • Receive special event/collaboration information
Priority email
Search for available seats
feature 3

Reservation start date calendar

The reservation start date and time for each store is listed on a special calendar. You can see the start date and time of the lottery and reservation at a glance, so you won't be late for your reservation anymore. It can also be linked to various calendars that you normally use.

  • Display the reservation start date
  • Show the start date of lottery reservations
  • Google, Outlook, iCalendar calendar integration
feature 4

Available seat label

The availability of each restaurant is displayed in a list, allowing you to see the availability of seats without any hassle. You can easily check the availability of a restaurant that is rarely released and difficult to reserve.

  • Check the availability of seats on the list page
Available seat label
feature 5

New restaurant listing email

We will periodically send you information on newly listed stores in OMAKASE with priority.

  • New restaurant listing emails sent only to premium members
View past cases
New restaurant listing email
feature 5

Upgraded Tabete Lv.

Calculated based on reservation history/visit history. If you are a premium member, the evaluation period will be longer than normal members. As your level increases, you may be eligible for some great benefits.

  • The covered period is in the past one year
Eater Lv
feature 7

LINE notification

You will be able to receive your favorite store cancellation emails and store notifications on a priority basis through LINE integration.

  • Up to 5 stores can be registered
  • Up to a total of 50 messages per month
LINE notification
feature 8

Priority sales on OMAKASE EC service

Popular ordered items will be sold on a priority basis to premium members only.

  • Priority sales for several days
  • Availability of low-stock items
Priority sale

Sign up for
OMAKASE Premium Program

You can start using OMAKASE as soon as you sign up.
With OMAKASE Premium Program, you can enjoy better taste and more convenience.

Green membership Sign up From 4,980 yen per month
Five-day money-back policy (first-time registrations only)

Membership and Price Plans

Normal member


Green + Gold

Price(monthly) -
Conditions for joining - none Invitation
various functions
Regular reservations
Priority emailing - *3 *3
Reservation start date calendar -
Seat availability search/availability label -
New restaurant listing email -
Eater's level -
LINE Link Notification - *3 *3
Priority Sale -
Premium seats - -
Special event/collaboration information - -
*1 If you cancel your membership within 5 days (120 hours) of your initial registration, we will refund you a portion of your payment. For more details, please see the notes below.
*2 Gold plan is by invitation only. Only those who receive the invitation will be contacted about the conditions and price. Please be forewarned.
*3 There is no difference in the order in which GREEN members and GOLD members receive priority emails.

Sign up for
OMAKASE Premium Program

You can start using OMAKASE as soon as you sign up.
With OMAKASE Premium Program, you can enjoy better taste and more convenience.

Green membership Sign up From 4,980 yen per month
Five-day money-back policy (first-time registrations only)

Frequently Asked Questions

Enrolling in the OMAKASE Premium Program does not increase/guarantee/prove your chances of booking a seat. Please understand that this is just an additional feature that will help you use OMAKASE.

Premium Gold and above programs are subject to review and invitation based on usage and other factors. The criteria for invitation is based on the level of your eatery and the length of time you have been a Premium GREEN member.
Please note that we are unable to fulfill your request for self-nomination.

The OMAKASE Premium Program allows you to use all the features of the Premium GREEN Program immediately after registration. The fee will be charged for one month (monthly plan) or one year (annual plan) from the date of registration, and will be automatically renewed for the same period on the same day of the following month or the following year.

The OMAKASE Premium Program will automatically renew on the same day of the month following the registration/renewal date and on the same day of the following year if you do not request to cancel your membership.
If you wish to cancel your membership, you will need to do so by the day before the automatic renewal.
If you withdraw from the OMAKASE Premium Program, you will not be able to use the OMAKASE Premium Program functions immediately, and you will be deemed to have agreed that you will not be able to use the OMAKASE Premium Program functions for the remaining period.

The OMAKASE Premium Program monthly/yearly plans can only be paid for by credit card registered with OMAKASE, other payment methods are not supported.

It is a hypothetical number that is calculated based on the usage of OMAKASE services.
The logic behind the calculation of Eaters' Lv is not disclosed and may change without notice.

As an "OMAKASE representative and extremely good eater", you may be offered valuable seats that are not originally available for reservation.
When you come to the restaurant, please behave in an understanding manner as an example to other eaters and as a thank you to the restaurant.
Please understand that we will always ask for your feedback and comments on the day of your visit.
In addition to the above, we do not accept reservations for the next time you visit our store. Please understand that we cannot accept reservations for the next visit.

Sign up for
OMAKASE Premium Program

You can start using OMAKASE as soon as you sign up.
With OMAKASE Premium Program, you can enjoy better taste and more convenience.

Green membership Sign up From 4,980 yen per month
Five-day money-back policy (first-time registrations only)

Notes on registration

Points to note when registering
If you violate the Terms of Service, you may be restricted from using some of the features, even if you have already registered for the OMAKASE Premium Program. Please note that even in such a case, the usage fee paid will not be refunded.
The number of seats available for reservation through OMAKASE may increase or decrease from the scheduled number depending on the restaurant, and in some cases, the restaurant may not accept reservations for seats. For this reason, we do not recommend registering for the OMAKASE Premium Program for the purpose of making reservations at specific restaurants, as it is highly unlikely to meet your expectations. We ask for your understanding in advance.
Please note that the Premium Program features and benefits are subject to change. Please register with the understanding that you will not be able to cancel or receive a refund in the event of a change.
If you subscribe with the first month free campaign, you will be automatically billed ¥4,980 per month from the second month onward. (If you cancel in the first month, there will be no additional charge.)
Priority emailing / LINE Notification
If you have changed the e-mail address you wish to receive priority e-mails from, you will need to change it in your account information on My Page ( ).
Frequency (0/month to multiple times/month) and content of notifications vary by restaurant.
LINE Notification is a function that allows you to receive information by e-mail on LINE as well. The frequency and content are the same as for e-mail. (Up to 5 restaurants can be registered, up to a total of 50 notifications per month)
Some urgent communications from our restaurants may be sent regardless of whether they are prioritized or not, regardless of whether they are sent via email/LINE. We will not be able to provide you with information regarding the details of these conditions.
We will not compensate for any delays or non-delivery of e-mails caused by the environment of your e-mail software or mail server, or similarly for delays or non-delivery caused by malfunctions in the LINE service.
There is no difference in priority level between GREEN and Gold members.
Empty seat search and empty seat label
Please note that the actual availability of seats in the vacancy label and vacancy search may differ from the actual availability due to time lag, reservation frequency, and other algorithms.
Reservation start date calendar
The next reservation start date and time is only the scheduled date and time at that time. Please note that the schedule may be subject to change due to governmental reasons, circumstances, or restaurant locations.
Depending on the specifications of the calendar service you are using, it may take some time to update the latest information. Please check the update frequency of the service you are using.
Notes on Payment
Once you have subscribed to a monthly plan, you will not be able to switch to an annual plan, including the period of your previous subscription. (Once you cancel your monthly subscription, you will need to re-register for an annual subscription.)
If you cancel your subscription before the end of the plan, you will no longer be able to use the premium features. No matter when you cancel your subscription, you will not be refunded for the remaining period.
Your subscription will be automatically renewed every month (or every year for annual plans) based on the day you sign up. If you wish to cancel your subscription, please do so prior to the renewal date. If you sign up on the 31st of the month, and the next month ends on the 30th, you will be billed on the 30th.
In the unlikely event that your credit card fails to make a payment on the renewal date, it will be charged again in 3 days and 5 days from that date. If the payment still fails, the contract will be automatically cancelled.
If any suspicious charges are made against your payment via your credit card company, the contract will be automatically terminated at that point. Please make sure to use your own credit card.
If your card fails to pay, you will receive a payment failure email at your registered email address.
If you apply for withdrawal from the OMAKASE Premium Program, you will immediately lose access to the OMAKASE Premium Program and agree that you will not be able to use the OMAKASE Premium Program features for the remainder of the term.
If you have cancelled your membership and wish to re-enroll in the OMAKASE Premium Program, you will be required to re-enroll in the OMAKASE Premium Program regardless of your previous enrollment period.
If you cancel your membership and contact us within 5 days (120 hours) of your initial enrollment in the OMAKASE Premium Program, you will receive a refund, you will receive a partial refund of your payment. Please read and agree to the refund details here before registering for the Premium Membership.

Sign up for
OMAKASE Premium Program

You can start using OMAKASE as soon as you sign up.
With OMAKASE Premium Program, you can enjoy better taste and more convenience.

Green membership Sign up From 4,980 yen per month
Five-day money-back policy (first-time registrations only)
Past cases Past cases