2. Restaurants
  3. Kioicho Mitani
Kioicho Mitani's image

Kioicho Mitani

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Sushi


Chef's Tasting Course

JPY38,500 (Tax included) /guest(s)

*The price will increase or decrease depending on the amount of drinks consumed.

*If you have a wide range of allergies and food sensitivities, we might refuse your reservation.
*Please refrain from using strong scents such as perfume and eau de cologne.

Restaurant information


19 seats (13 at counter, 6 in private rooms)

Operation hours


Regular holiday Year-end and New Year's holidays
*The restaurant may be temporarily open or temporarily closed.
Age restriction

Only for those who can eat the adult course

Payment methods

Cash, Credit Card


5,000yen / bottle


Not Allowed

Address 1-2 Kioi terrace 3F, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Nearest station

Nagatacho Station, Akasaka-mitsuke Station

Reservation fee (390JPY /seat) is charged upon completing a reservation.
Reservation rules
Current reservation period until Fri Feb 28 2025
Next round opens TBD
Maximum frequency unlimited
Cancellation policy
7 days prior to the day 50%
2 days prior to the day 100%